Composting 101


Composting 101


Saturday, April 4th 10:00 AM  12:00 PM
Composting made easy. We provide you with hands-on experience getting your perfect compost recipe up and going.

Learn how to set up your own compost system and find out how to make and apply compost tea to your plants. The course also explains how all the necessary elements that make for a productive compost pile work together, with a thorough analysis of how material, water, oxygen, and temperature interact, and how modifying any of them influences the way that compost develops. You’ll discover the importance of the right levels of air and moisture to a healthy pile as well as insight on some of the common problems that can affect the development of your compost – and how to prevent or ameliorate them.

You will also be given the instructions, hints and tips you need to start, maintain and use your own compost pile. The course guides you through the many different materials that make suitable additions to a pile, and points out those that should be kept out. It also explains how material needs to be prepared, layered and treated as it makes its transformation into compost.

FREE lunch provided if you signup for both classes on the same day

—Class is limited to only 20 participants so signup quickly.
—The class will go on rain or shine. No refunds, if there is a “snow day” the class will be moved another weekend date (most likely a Sunday of the same month).

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