Companion Planting and Garden Planning Workshop

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Companion Planting and Garden Planning Workshop


February 29th 10am-12pm
Join Master Gardener and homestead owner, Erin Roy, and learn how to design and plant your vegetable garden with companion plants.
Learn how to create the right environment for your plants to grow (from soil health to water needs) which companion plants support each other, and how you can maximize space and garden efficiency.

*FREE lunch provided if you purchase both classes for the day. Click here to see other classes offered on this day.

—Classes will be held on our homestead in Sandia Park, New Mexico. See the map below for details.
—Class is limited to only 20 participants so signup quickly.
—The class will go on rain or shine. No refunds, if there is a “snow day” the class will be moved another weekend date (most likely a Sunday of the same month).

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